Cat Sedative For Travel

cat sedative for travel

Cats may become stressed or anxious about traveling, and sedatives can help them relax. But only a veterinarian can prescribe the right medicine for your pet.

Trazodone is an antidepressant that can sedate cats and relieve anxiety. It works by regulating the level of serotonin in the brain. It is safe for most cats.


Cats are not used to travel outside of their homes, especially in a car or carrier. This can cause them to become very anxious and fearful during a trip. Using a cat sedative for travel is one way to help them relax during the journey. However, it is important to talk with your vet before administering any medication. Sedating your cat can be dangerous and you should always use the proper dosage.

Clonidine is a mild sedative that works by stimulating the alpha adrenoreceptors in your cat’s brain. This impacts the blood vessels, nervous system and heart rate. It is only available through a prescription from your veterinarian. It should be given to your cat about three hours before you start your trip.

This medication can make your cat feel groggy, and it may affect their balance. It may also make them lose control of their bladder or bowels. It is important to monitor them closely for accidents and seek medical attention if needed. This medication can also cause your cat to have trouble breathing, and it may be difficult to maintain their body temperature. It is important to keep a bowl of water with you so your cat can drink, and you should also carry some treats for them to eat.

Another option for a cat sedative for travel is diphenhydramine. This is a popular allergy medication for humans, but it can be used as a sedative in cats. This medication is usually safe, but you should always consult your vet before giving it to your cat. It can cause side effects, such as drowsiness, dizziness and loss of appetite. It may also interfere with your cat’s liver and kidney function.

Many cat sedatives only last for a short time, so you will need to re-administer them after the trip is over. It is also important to remember that a sedated cat can still be frightened during the trip. If your cat is agitated or stressed, you will need to try other ways to calm them down. If you are not comfortable with this, you should consider leaving your cat at home.


Even the calmest of cats can be anxious or fearful in certain situations, such as travel. In these cases, a cat sedative can make the trip more pleasant for both of you. However, a vet must evaluate your pet’s health and determine if she needs a sedative for travel. The vet should also perform a physical exam and run diagnostic tests before prescribing any medication. This helps rule out underlying medical issues as the cause of your pet’s stress or anxiety, and it ensures that she is healthy enough for sedative use.

There are many sedative options available to your veterinarian. These include benzodiazepines, such as Valium or Xanax, and non-benzodiazepines, such as alprazolam. These medications are often used together for maximum sedative effect. The vet may also prescribe a combination of other medications, such as acepromazine, which offers both sedation and anxiety relief. Acepromazine causes low blood pressure, so it isn’t an option for pets with heart disease or a history of respiratory illness. Other over-the-counter sedatives for pets include gabapentin, which is used for seizure control in cats and has some calming effects.

Trazodone also offers sedative effects and is often used to help cats cope with anxiety during short-term events such as travel, storms, or fireworks. This medication should not be given to pets with a heart problem or other serious health problems, and it must not be combined with some other types of anxiety medications, including SSRIs.

If a kitty is so stressed that she becomes vocal, drools heavily, or panics, her vet may recommend a stronger dose of sedative medication to help ease her discomfort and anxiety. Some of these sedatives are injectable at the vet clinic, while others come in tablet form that your vet can give you to administer at home. Some sedatives are also available in transdermal forms that you apply to your pet’s skin, or as a liquid solution you add to the kitty’s food.

When a kitty’s anxiety becomes severe or chronic, it can affect her quality of life and can contribute to medical conditions such as stress-related cystitis. Your vet may then recommend daily medications for longer-term anxiety management, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), tricyclic antidepressants, or clomipramine.


If administered properly, prescription cat sedatives are safe for most cats. However, if your cat has any underlying health conditions, they may process medications differently and experience more side effects. It is recommended that you talk to your veterinarian before using any sedative on your pet. You should also test any medication on your cat a few days before travel to ensure there are no adverse side effects. In addition, some sedatives, such as Acepromazine, can have a paradoxical effect, causing over excitement rather than sedation.

You can find a variety of cat sedatives that are designed for traveling at your local pet store or online. Some are specifically made for kitties, while others contain the same ingredients found in anti-anxiety medications for humans. Benzodiazepines, such as alprazolam, are commonly used for sedation in pets and humans because they have anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, and relaxing properties. However, they are not safe for long-term use and can cause addiction, overdose, and withdrawal symptoms in humans.

Another type of sedative for cats is gabapentin, which is an anti-seizure drug that has sedating properties. It is usually given orally, but your vet can compound it into a liquid form that is easier for your cat to swallow. It is important to note that most sedatives do not last for the entire trip, so you will need to plan on re-administering them during breaks.

Some cats are very resistant to taking pills, so you will need to be creative when giving your cat a pill. You might be able to disguise the pill inside a piece of meat, which can help your cat take it without fuss. It is also possible to buy a pill pocket that is designed for cats, which will hold the medication and make it easier for you to give it to your pet.

If you’re unable to conceal the pill in food, try giving your cat a liquid sedative with a syringe. However, if you do this, it is important to administer the medication slowly so that your cat does not aspirate the liquid. It is also not a good idea to mix the liquid sedative with water.


Like humans, cats can become extremely anxious during travel and a variety of situations. This can lead to vocalization, drooling, shaking and even vomiting. Depending on the cat, it may not be possible to calm them down without the help of sedatives or tranquilizers. These medications work to slow down a cat’s brain, decreasing their anxiety and stress levels during travel. They can be administered in pill form, as a liquid or as a transdermal gel you apply to the skin.

One of the most common sedatives for pets is trazodone (trade name Xanax). Veterinarians often prescribe this medication to prevent distress, anxiety, and hyper-arousal during transportation and veterinary visits. It’s also used to relieve a range of symptoms including insomnia, anxiety, and depression. It’s a serotonin antagonist and reuptake inhibitor, meaning it decreases the amount of serotonin in the brain.

This medication works very quickly to calm cats and reduces their stress, with peak sedation occurring about 2.5 hours after the dose. It also has pain relief effects, but the majority of its uses are for sedation and anxiety reduction. It’s very safe to use, but shouldn’t be given to pets with heart problems. It also shouldn’t be combined with other SSRIs such as Lexapro.

Some pet owners prefer to avoid the use of sedatives and instead try herbal remedies such as valerian, which is also very effective at helping cats relax. Other nutritional supplements have been found to have a relaxing effect, such as L-theanine, melatonin and s-adenosyl-methionine, but these are only available from a vet and need to be prescribed.

When giving a cat a sedative, it’s important to monitor them closely so they don’t overdose or experience any side-effects such as respiratory distress. It’s also very important to follow the dosage instructions on the label carefully. Once a sedative has worn off, you should let your cat out of their carrier slowly and carefully so they can begin to feel normal again. For lighter doses, this can take about five or so hours. For more powerful drugs, it could take up to a day for your cat to return to their original state.