Cruising With Cats – A Comprehensive Guide

Cats love exploring and taking in the fresh sea air, but are not natural swimmers. To assess their level of comfort with water gradually introduce it gradually in a controlled environment like pet-friendly pools or aquariums.

While a monohull’s rolling movements may send books and bodies flying, catamaran motion is much gentler, providing your cat with ample comfort-ensuring shelter to retreat to. Be sure to familiarize them gradually with their new space while providing them with safe retreat spots where they can rest up from any dance-floor excursions.

1. Safety First

Cruise vacations may seem like the ideal vacation for you and your cat, but it is important to keep in mind that it will be an entirely new experience for them. Since cats don’t typically enjoy change, taking one could prove quite stressful for them.

Preparing your cat for travel by boat involves several essential tasks. Here are a few suggestions:

Enclosed litter boxes are great for keeping cat poo from scattering during travel. Cardboard boxes provide cozy spots for cats to hunker down in, providing necessary sea berths on rough passages.

Leashes and harnesses are beneficial in controlling your pet, while microchips are invaluable. In addition, your veterinarian may suggest medication that will ease anxiety during travel; be sure to run a dry run first in order to see how your cat responds.

2. Cat-Proof Enclosures

Adopting a cat can be a substantial commitment, and it is wise to carefully assess your lifestyle before adopting one. For instance, if your work requires frequent travel outside the home then adopting might not be ideal.

An enclosed run, or “catio”, can provide cruisers with much needed relief from running over or digging up neighbouring plants while alleviating owners’ worries that their cat might escape and be preyed upon by local predators. A free-standing catio provides the easiest solution as it doesn’t need affixing to house walls or fences and can even be taken along when moving homes.

Enclosures can be constructed either with galvanised wire mesh or light, inexpensive netting. When choosing either option, be sure to select strong enough material to support climbing plants and consult your mesh supplier on which size and gauge mesh would best serve this application.

4. Cat-Calming Pheromones

Many cats experience anxiety when introduced to unfamiliar environments, so synthetic cat pheromone products that simulate natural cat pheromones may provide comfort during stressful situations. Their purpose is to prevent or alleviate fear anxiety stress (FAS) behaviors like scratching, urine marking and intercat aggression.

Feliway Classic was the first pheromone product introduced to the companion animal market and serves as a diffuser and spray that mimics feline facial pheromone, offering comforting messages such as “you’re home”, and decreasing undesirable behavior such as scratching, urine marking and hiding. Another option available to cat owners is bSerene; an inhalation spray that works well when spraying objects your cat touches such as their crate or favorite blanket as well as during travel to vet clinics or across country!

5. Cat-Aware Captain

Players take on the role of Captain Cat, an eccentric cat trader with additional crew members on board his ship. While other traders mock his passion for cats, Captain Cat stays true to himself and sails off into unknown territories. Unfortunately, when a storm blows him off course they find themselves on an unfamiliar island led by a child queen with many curious felines that are unfamiliar to them!

Captain Cat is an enjoyable single-button puzzle adventure that delivers what it promises on its surface; an enjoyable experience with plenty of options to explore and play. Its short length and clear menus make it accessible, yet lacking depth or innovation.

7. Cat-Friendly Water

Cats need access to fresh water at all times, making a cat-specific water fountain the perfect accessory on an outing when carrying around bowls is impractical.

Though many cats can swim, it is best to avoid throwing yours into the sea until they have been adequately trained. Not only can this be traumatizing for them, but swallowing seawater may be harmful.

Filtered tap or bottled water are suitable choices for felines to consume, though most vets do not advise drinking distilled water due to its lack of essential minerals necessary for feline health. They advise drinking natural spring water such as that from Calistoga instead, available from many pet stores or online and that is also safe for humans.

8. Cat-Friendly Sleeping Area

Cats prioritize comfort when selecting their sleeping areas, along with privacy and security. Cats naturally gravitate toward spots that feel warm and cozy; some even prefer sleeping up high to avoid danger at ground level, or to have an excellent vantage point of their surroundings. Feral or stray cats may huddle together for warmth and safety when sleeping together – this may even include feral and stray cats who sleep together to provide additional security during sleep time.

Provide your cat with a selection of comfortable, safe, and private indoor sleeping options such as cat beds, couches, pillows, elevated perches and enclosed catio spaces or cat-friendly gardens – including beds, couches, pillows and elevated perches – in addition to outdoor sleep spots like enclosed catio spaces or gardens dedicated to cats. Make sure all sleeping areas remain free from potential hazards or disturbances like hot or cold spots as well as household appliances that could potentially pose hazards or disturbances.